A slow loading website will drive traffic and customers away from your website.

In fact if it takes more than 3 seconds to load, about 30% of users will leave and never come back.

That statistic is from Google.

If your website takes more than 5 seconds to load, that number jumps to 90%.

Anything over 10 seconds, about 120% of visitors will leave and never come back.

These are startling statistics. However there is hope.

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Slow Loading Website Begone

Here are some steps to take to speed up your slow loading website.

email marketing

Optimize All Images

Images on your website are the likely culprit of a slow loading website.

Large images slow down the website due to the detailed resolution of the images.

To increase the speed, reduce the resolution and dimensions of the images.

Get rid of irrelevant render-blocking JavaScript

Many websites have some irrelevant code that loads before the more important content, thereby slowing down the website.

This is especially true on larger websites that have multiple users adding code and content.

There are many website performance tools that can identify irrelevant code on slow loading pages.

Find a Fast and Reliable Website Host

Your slow loading website maybe due to an unreliable website host.

It is a good idea to look around and ask your friends for the name of good and fast web host.

If your web host has slow speeds your website will suffer and so will your website visitors.

Better known web hosting companies will do all of the background stuff for you.

Like updated software modules, maintained servers etc.

Carry out a Content Delivery Network (CDN) Service

A Content Delivery Network will allow you to have your websites located on many servers around the world.

CDN will identify the closest location to each individual loading your site and have content load from the nearest server.

If a website visitor wants to load your site from North America, they will get the content from one of the servers in North America.

If a website visitor wants to load your site from Africa, they will get the content from a server in Africa.

The advantage here is no more slow loading website.

Implement Browser Caching

By enabling browser caching, you allow the content to be stored in peoples’ browsers.

That means that if a visitor decides to come back to your site, they will not have to download all of the files from the server again as they already have them stored in their browser.

Browser caching can significantly improve the speed of your website for returning users.

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Remove unnecessary plugins.

There are so many plugins for websites it just boggles the mind.

However, if your website has too many plugins, you will have a slow loading website.

Any plugins that are not up to date maybe a security threat. The outdated plugins may not be compatible with your website.

Which results in a slow loading website.

It is a good idea to limit the amount of plugins you use on your website.

The simplest way to do it, is to disable and delete any plugins you don’t use anymore.

In addition, we recommend evaluating the plugins you currently do use and see if there are necessary.

You might find that one of the causes of your slow loading website are plugins that have similar functions and features.


In conclusion, certain plugins may be a drag on your website loading times than others.

To find out which ones contribute to a slow loading website, you can test them separately.

To accomplish this, you will need to disable all your plugins.

Disabling WordPress plugins

Then switch them on individually.

Everytime you switch a plugin on, use a speed testing tool to see if your speed score and timing have been improved.

The majority of plugins may increase your website speed incrementally.

On the other hand, if you see a sudden large increase, it maybe beneficial to find an alternative tool that is better optimized and serves the same purpose.

At the end of the day, a faster loading website will improve both the SEO score and user experience.

Using a variety of methods like CDN, caching pages, using plugins to optimize your images, defer loading scripts and minimize your websites files.

Remember, though — every second your web pages take to load exponentially increases the chance your visitors will leave.

How long will you able to run your business while losing leads?

Calvary marketing is dedicated to help your website load fast without the high cost. Contact us today.

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